Monday, January 7, 2008

Marlon Wayans Cast In GI Joe Movie

The G.I. Joe movie is going to suck. It will be made by bad people. It will be made to make as many of the masses happy as possible. Or rather it will be made to take as many dollar bills out of their pockets as possible.

I know this because it is true. Yet I will be standing in line ready to watch it, ready to take my money out of my wallet.

I loved G.I. Joe as a kid and I'd love to see a live action version on the big screen.

Marlan Wayans was just cast to play Ripcord, and I can't hate on him for it. Marlan is the one Wayan that can act and isn't a fool.

At least that's something. At least that's a little bit of hope.

Hecklers to Clinton "Iron My Shirt"

Proving there are still plenty of morons left in the world, a few hecklers at a Clinton rally held signs and chanted "iron my shirt."

Really? That's your chant? This is what you choose to complain about a Hillary Clinton ticket? There are so many legitimate things to complain about, why choose a stupid, sexist, way behind the times rallying point?

Who knew there were still people who though women should stay at home? I mean I figure if she gets the democratic ticket, there will be a debate on whether a woman can handle the pressures and all that, but "iron my shirt?!" I thought we had advanced past that.

I guess not.

Hollywood Supports Obama

Hollywood, it seems, is a fickle town. Having been Clinton supporters for the bulk of the run up to the elections are now leaving the Mrs. for Obama as he's quickly taking the top spot in the polls.

I wonder if a Baldwin will start making proclomations if Obama doesn't win now.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's Going To Be A Boring Golden Globes

Not that I ever watch anyways but in an effort to cheer up striking writers, the SAG has said none of its actors (which is all of them pretty much) will be attending the Golden Globes. I suppose it could be interesting to watch a bunch of no-names awarding a whole bunch of people who won't actually be attending. That should make the awards short anyways.

Dr. Phil Sez Britney Needs Professional Help

Poor Britney, she can't get near a total mental break down without fifty photographers ready to document it all. Lord knows she has made a mess of herself, and lord knows the press aint helping.

Now good old Dr. Phil is stepping in with a little advice, "Get some damn help, be-atch before your dead." That's not a direct quote, but he is asking her to get help and perhaps offering a little intervention.

The High Def Wars Just Got More Interesting

I've been waiting out the high def wars between blu-ray and HD-DVD. I don't have the kind of money to be blowing it on a losing hors and I figure eventually one will take over and the prices will drop anyways.

Warner Bros recently made the decision to exclusively release their high def movies through blu-ray, but Toshiba, the owners of HD-DVD says they're not dead yet.

We'll see if that's true, and in the mean time I'll stick to my low def videos.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Wire, Recapped Season by Season

I love the Wire. It is a great little crime show. I love how it moves so slowly, unwinding at a tiny pace while giving such depth and power to its characters and plot. Over here is a nice little recap of each episode from all its seasons so far.

Cool beans.