Friday, December 7, 2007

Mitt Romney: Is America Ready For A Mormon President?

Presidential nominee Mitt Romney is a Mormon. That's not news really, except that we haven't ever had a Mormon President, and as a religion Mormonism usually sits somewhere just under Tom Cruise-inism. It is an odd religion and one that most Americans seem to associate with Utah and multiple wives.

But this nation of ours is a very divided one and that division, in many ways, is split right down the middle on religion. Certainly many "liberals" believe in a God, but their God is way different from the conservative one. Or at least that's what everybody seems to want us to believe. I don't really believe that, but I seem to be in the minority.

Anyways, Romney is doing a good job of projecting himself as one of the conservative guys and despite what most seem to believe about Mormonism, he's getting some support in that idea. Although he isn't really a front runner, he's at least on the playing field.

He recently gave a big old speech on his Mormonism in specific, and religion in the nation in general, and as can be expected it got very divided reviews.

Honestly I'm so out of the loop in terms of politics I don't know what to expect. But in a race where some of the front runners are a black man, a woman and a Mormon, this is one heck of an election for the press.

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