Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Netflix to Deliver Movies Directly To TV

I like netflix.  I've liked them since they started giving away free rentals when I bought a movie in the mall some ten years ago.  I have periodically used their service several times since then.  I must admit I started using Blockbuster over Netflix when the BB started allowing free rentals at their stores as well.   Netflix has a better selection but with in store rentals I was getting a better deal.  And as there are still tons of movies I've never seen that exist at most BB stores, well I chose them.

Netflix seems to be upping the ante with the ability to download movies and play then directly on the TV.  I've downloaded movies before and it has always kind of sucked watching them on the laptop screen.  Sure I could figure out how to play the movies on the TV through the computer, but I'm lazy.

This new Netflix device sounds pretty cool.  They don't give out the cost just yet and that will be key.  The convenience of download a movie is awesome.  The cool factor is, in a word, cool.  But if I have to cough up a couple of hundred bucks for the service, I'll just wait for the mail.

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